It’s amazing how even though Barack Obama is no longer the president of the United States, he still finds ways …
After months of being bullied by Trump supporters, Bret Stephens, a newly hired columnist for the New York Times’s opinion …
The “War on Carbon” is rooted in the most outrageously dangerous, dishonest and degenerate anti-science bunk that’s ever been shoveled …
There is an ongoing effort in this country to do away with America’s capitalist economic system in the name of …
The commonly accepted narrative is that global warming is settled science, and that at least 97 percent of scientists agree …
Researchers from Stanford University are doing their best to find a link between extreme weather events and climate change, but …
If you’ve been suckered into believing the false narrative of man-made “global warming” or “climate change,” you’re probably not old …
President Donald J. Trump is often accused of being a climate change “denier” because he – like thousands of climatologists …
The global warming hoaxers have so inculcated their followers in Church of Climate Change dogma that now, after nearly every …
As climate activists marched “for science” last week, the anticipated raft of alarmist global warming reporting soon accompanied the event. …