Yet another peer-reviewed study has proven that so-called “global warming” is nothing but a fabricated hoax, and yet American institutions …
There is no doubt that human activity is hurting our planet, whether it’s all the plastic winding up in our …
Al Gore has been at the forefront of the globalist climate change movement for quite some time now, and it …
Plants play a vital role in making the Earth a habitable, and healthy place. Plants provide food, clean air, clothing, …
A new video has begun circulating the internet that claims New York City will soon be under several feet of …
A lot of scientists have been scratching their heads over some of the claims of climate change activists. After all, …
Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and extensive reporting by the mainstream media have led many to accept catastrophic …
If there is one thing people ought to know by now, it’s that you can’t believe everything you see on …
We’ve all heard about how rising levels of carbon dioxide will bring about the end of the Earth as we …
With so much attention being given to global warming these days it easy to blame our changing climate for everything …