ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH carbon dioxide
07/20/2017 / By Lance D Johnson

The church of climatology persistently drives global warming fear into their congregation, to ensure that followers will continue believing, continue

07/12/2017 / By Mike Adams

Climate change “mad scientists” from Harvard have been given the green light to pursue a geoengineering experiment that will expel

07/06/2017 / By JD Heyes

Yet another peer-reviewed study has proven that so-called “global warming” is nothing but a fabricated hoax, and yet American institutions

07/05/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

There is no doubt that human activity is hurting our planet, whether it’s all the plastic winding up in our

06/28/2017 / By Jhoanna Robinson

Researchers at the University of Adelaide, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, have found a way

06/22/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

Plants play a vital role in making the Earth a habitable, and healthy place. Plants provide food, clean air, clothing,

06/21/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

A lot of scientists have been scratching their heads over some of the claims of climate change activists. After all,

06/18/2017 / By Vicki Batts

If there is one thing people ought to know by now, it’s that you can’t believe everything you see on

06/07/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

When you hear celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio declare war on carbon dioxide, it’s hard not to roll your eyes and

06/06/2017 / By Tracey Watson

When President Donald Trump announced last week that the United States would be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Change Accord