News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Climate change didn’t hurt the dinosaurs… they were thriving until the asteroid struck
The catastrophic asteroid that penetrated planet Earth approximately 66 million years ago caused intense and widespread volcanic activity. Observing geological evidence, today’s scientists largely agree that these natural and celestial forces are the reason dinosaurs were eliminated from the face of the planet at the end of the Cretaceous period. There is speculation, however, that […]
By Lance D Johnson
The ultimate scam: How Al Gore became the world’s first “carbon billionaire” by profiting off irrational climate fears
One of the greatest scams of the 21st century started with former vice president Al Gore, who influentially introduced the concept of “global warming” to the world. Now, the truth about Gore’s “global warming” scam is documented in a new book by Marc Morano, titled, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, available at Barnes and […]
By Lance D Johnson
Eco-terrorists claim climate change justifies their actions to destroy the oil infrastructure
Fervent belief in global warming and man-made climate change is motivating some to protest oil pipeline construction across the United States. Some of these activists are so driven by the political agenda called climate change, that they are seeking to shut down the U.S. oil infrastructure and its vast network of pipelines. A new wave of […]
By Lance D Johnson
Do you believe in global warming? If you eat meat, you’re destroying the planet, climate alarmists claim
Now, it seems, the global warming police want to dictate what you eat. According to international climate change scientists, if you eat meat, then you are part of the cause of global warming. These scientists want to control American farming practices and put limits on land use, grazing systems, and meat consumption, but they are […]
By Lance D Johnson
NASA spacecraft missions have proven that Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus have all suffered “climate change” … without any human activity whatsoever
Temperature fluctuates, the weather shifts, and the climate never stays the same. It doesn’t matter where you live; it has always been this way on planet Earth. Through the course of many centuries, humans, animals, plants, and microbes have exhibited extraordinary resilience in the face of change and are all constantly adapting to this day. But […]
By Lance D Johnson
Global LEAD pollution only appeared on our planet following the industrial revolution: It’s definitely caused by human activity
While the mainstream media and the global elites sensationalize climate change and the impending doom caused by mankind’s “carbon footprint,” there are more serious pollution threats actually impacting human health. The element we should be more concerned about is lead. It’s ignorant to think that an intergovernmental elite should confiscate the wealth of Nations to […]
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